Хүний эрхийн Үндэсний Коммис


According to the Article 3.1 of the Law on National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia, is an organization which monitors the implementation human rights and freedoms stated in the Constitution and other laws of Mongolia and international human rights treaties of Mongolia and protects and promotes human rights in Mongolia. Moreover, the Commission enjoys power to supervise the implementation of international human rights treaties, submit recommendations in this regard, to promote legislations and international conventions on human rights, and to conduct advocacy work supporting the ratification of or accession to international human rights treaties.

Mongolia abolishes death penalty 

Mongolia abolished death penalty with the Parliament passing the Law on Ratification of the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights on 5 January, 2012.

To date, the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia conducted a number of studies regarding the use of capital punishment individually and jointly with civil society organizations such as Amnesty International. The Commission has been advocating against death penalty through a variety of means including its annual reports on the situation of human rights and freedoms in Mongolia. It issued successive recommendations to abolish death penalty in the annual reports which also referred to the conclusions made by the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture who visited the country in 2005 and treaty body observations that advised abolition of death penalty in Mongolia.

After hearing the Commission’s annual reports, the Standing Committee on Legal Affairs of the Parliament made resolutions in 2008 and 2010 assigning the Cabinet to take actions to implement the recommendations of the Commission.

The National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia expresses its gratitude to all our partners walked shoulder-to-shoulder in advocating against death penalty and applauds the decision of the Mongolian Government to put an end to death penalty.

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