Хүний эрхийн Үндэсний Коммис


The Article 13.2.5 of the Law on National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia states that NHRCM must promote human rights education activities in the sphere of its full powers. The NHRCM organizes training sessions to promote human rights education through wide range topics such as legislations on human rights, international treaties, international organizations and mechanisms for human rights protection, human rights issues in Mongolia, and achievements and faults related to emerging human rights problems.

Human rights education activities of the Commission focus on the following target groups:

  • Citizens and community;
  • Central and local public administrative bodies and authorities;
  • Law enforcement organizations such as the court, police, and court decision implementation agency and employees of these organizations;
  • Representatives and employees from non-government and civil society organizations working in the field of human rights and freedoms;
  • Professional organizations related to education, media, and inspection and their employees; and
  • Specific target groups such as women, students, elders, people with disabilities etc.

Human right APP

Human right day

E Campus