The National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia and the Equal Rights Trust international organization have co-organized a training workshop on "Improving the monitoring and effective implementation of core international conventions in GSP+ countries” from 28-30 November 2017 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The Equal Rights Trust, based in London, United Kingdom, is implementing a project in Mongolia, which involves the Trust providing strategic, technical, practical and financial support to civil society and trade unions in Mongolia to improve the monitoring and implementation of certain key UN human rights and ILO labour rights conventions.
This three-day in-person workshop forms part of this project supported with the financial assistance of the European Union. The workshop aims to improve the knowledge of representatives from the civil society organizations and trade unions about the UN and ILO core conventions related to the equality and non-discrimination and to strengthen their capacity of monitoring and conducting advocacy activities towards the effective implementation of these core conventions. Thirty percentage of the total participants represent NGOs actively working on human rights issues in their respective provinces in Mongolia.
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