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Proposals for gender-related issues

Proposals for gender-related issuesCommissioner Ms. Oyunchimeg Purev is a member of National Committee on Gender Equality. On 15th March 2018, she has participated in a meeting of the Committee and has recalled the proposals and recommendations on the gender-related issues reflected in the 16th Annual Report on Situation of Human Rights and Freedoms in Mongolia of the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia. The proposals and recommendations were about amending the Criminal Code and Violations Law, taking into account that there is no legal provisions for addressing the sexual harassment and other violence and harassments at workplace, and to establishing more shelter houses in soums and countryside areas. During this meeting, the participants have discussed the implementation of action plan for 2017 of the National Committee on Gender Equality and have adopted the action plan for 2018. Mr. Khurelsukh Ukhnaa, Primer Minister of Mongolia and Chairman of the National Committee on Gender Equality, has stated that he will consider establishing a Secretariat of the Committee under his auspices based on opinions of the Committee members.  

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