The National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia has been jointly organizing the series of human rights public lectures with the Open Society Forum since 2013. For this month of public lecture, we invited Ms. Suvd Namsrai, Honoured State Actress and Director of State Drama Theatre, as a guest speaker to share her thoughts on delivering human rights education through art on 21 September at the Government Building 11. The event conveyed over 50 participants including human rights activities,...
The National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia held a consultative meeting with its partner international organizations. The meeting was held under the theme of "Sustainable Development Goals – Cooperation” involving 17 representatives of the international organizations such as UN Office of Resident Coordinator, World Bank, UN Population Fund, International Labor Organization, UNICEF, UN Food and Agriculture Organization, ADRA International, Good Neighbors INGO, World Health...
Chief Commissioner Byambadorj Jamsran participated in the 23rd Annual Meeting of Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions in Hong Kong held from 18-19 September 2018. In accordance with the amendment made into the Constitution of APF by the previous meeting of the APF, an election for the Governance Committee of the APF, which is newly established structure, took place on 19 September 2018. The Commission has been actively engaged in APF activities and has successfully hosted...
Altangerel.Ch, Director of Secretariat of the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia, has participated in the "Third Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Justice for Children in East Asia and the Pacific” in Bangkok, Thailand from 4-7 April 2018....
The National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia has raised its concerns about the reproductive health and rights of girls and women and quality and accessibility of medical care and services through commissioning the civil society organizations to conduct study on "Reproductive health and rights of teenage girls and women” and assessment on "Reproductive health and rights of girls and women with disabilities and situation of quality and accessibility of medical services”. Ms....
Within the framework of UNDP funded "Towards a professional and citizen-centred civil service” project to be implemented from 2018-2021, the Commission’s working group headed by Commissioner Oyunchimeg Purev has organized a training- of -trainers on "Gender and Human Rights” in Khovd soum, Khovd province from 10-12 September 2018. The training-of-trainers involved around 80 human resource officers of public administration from four provinces, namely Bayankhongor, Zavkhan, Govi-Altai and...